Health services
To download the list of the doctors, dentists, pharmacies... in the Rahin & Chérimont area, click here
Emergency numbers
Ambulance/Paramedics ............................................................... 15 ou 112
Police ......................................................................................... 17
Firemen ...................................................................................... 18
European emergency number ....................................................... 112
SOS Doctor .................................................................................. 36 24
Find the list of doctors working on the Community of Communes : Champagney, Echavanne, Frahier, Plancher-Bas, Plancher-les-Mines and Ronchamp. Concerning emergency doctors, the number to call is 15.
You'll find here the list of 5 pharmacies spred in 4 communes. To know the emergency pharmacies in your area, call 32 37. Emergency pharmacies allows to confront the most urgent situations on weekends, nights or holidays.
Only one dentist is on the territory. It is situated in Champagney.
Many nurses and offices are located in our territory. You'll find 7 of them from Plancher-les-Mines to Ronchamp, passing through Errevet.
Mrs Henry, podologist, weclomes you into her office situated in Ronchamp.
Two Physiotherapist and two Osteopath are located in the area : In Champagney, Frahier and Ronchamp.