20 rue Paul Strauss, 70250 RONCHAMP
The association is committed to promote locals products of Franche-Comté and the Vosges. Discover producers, men and women, who are passionate about locals products and terroir's knowledge.
Download the presentation's brochure with all names and contact informations of 15 producers :
18 grande Rue, 70290 CHAMPAGNEY
03 84 21 89 63
Facebook Page : @Commealaferme70
Opening Times :
Friday: 9H00 AM TO 7:00H PM
Saturday: 9H00 AM TO 12:30 AM
Fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs, bread, honey, grocery store, beer...find all of our passionates local farmers products proposing direct sale.
9Q allée du Canal, 70250 RONCHAMP - Site de la Filature de Ronchamp
06 11 90 32 48
Facebook Page : @lefrancbrasseur
A craft beer manufacturing with bar and restauration in the Brewery.
Reopened to public on the first day of june 2021.
Get into a cosy and industrial atmosphere, and taste the home-made beers and also some of the "Tartes Flambées" or charcuterie boards accompagned with local cheese...with a vue on the brewery side...
Usually open from thuesday to monday (5:00PM-11:00PM).
1 rue d'Orière, 70250 RONCHAMP
06 88 74 76 16
Facebook Page : @ledendecelestine
Seasonal vegetables, eggs, honey's producer, tea, infusions, cheese, beauty products... all organic labelised, good for your health but also for the environment and ecology, nature respect, animals, and to find back great taste with good quality products.
You can also straighty take an appointment at the farm!
Make the most of your stay by tasting local producers products on market days every week :
- Friday morning : Plancher-les Mines
- Saturday morning : Rinchamp
Or make the most of your summer break by discovering territory markets during summertime markets :
- Friday evening/night : Plancher-bas (July and August)
- Sunday morning : Champagney (July and August)
Vannerie Créative(Appointment only). 12 rue de Mourière - 70250 RONCHAMP www.christellepouponvanneriecreative.com christellepoupon@orange.fr Facbook Page : @Christelle Poupon Vannerie créative |
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Respectful of the environment, the basketry exist since ages now... This lady braids with the local wicker for a stressless world. Do you want to try it?
Don't hesitate to contact her for a simple visit or even an internship.
Workshops all year, program available HERE .